Review: Never To Sleep (Soul Screamers #5.5)
Posted by Unknown on 22 January 2012. Filed under: Afterlife, Female Protagonist, Fiction, Novellas, Reapers, Romance, Series, Souls, YA
Never to Sleep by Rachel Vincent
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Don't Close Your Eyes.
Sophie Cavanaugh is not going to let her freak of a cousin's strange psychiatric condition ruin high school for them both. Not after all the work she's put into cultivating the right look, and friends, and reputation. But then, Sophie sees something so frightening she lets out a blood-curdling scream--and finds herself stuck in a bizarre parallel world where nothing is safe and deadly creatures lurk just out of sight, waiting for her to close her eyes and sleep...forever.
Could this world be real? Or does insanity run in the family...?
My Thoughts:
While I don't particularly like Sophie (I'm not supposed to) it was nice to get a little insight into her character. Yeah, she's still a bitchy princess, but she's also strong, clever and witty, which was kind of cool to see. I look forward to seeing how this whole life-changing event will affect her and her attitude in the books to come. Maybe her tenuous relationship with Kaylee can evolve into something more than bickering, back-stabbing and insults. Also interested to see what Luca will bring to the series.
I'd love to see an Emma novella soon, hint, hint :)
Overall, I'm totally in love with this series and don't know why it took me so long to finally pick it up. Thanks to Melanie for providing the final recommendation for me to do that :)
Format: Kindle Edition
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