Review: Reckoning (Strange Angels #5)
Posted by Unknown on 07 November 2011. Filed under: Academy Setting, Demons, Dhampir, Female Protagonist, Fiction, Ghosts, Paranormal, Romance, Series, Smexy, Supernatural, Vampires, Werewolves, YA, Zombies
Reckoning by Lili St. Crow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Nobody expected Dru Anderson to survive this long. Not Graves. Not Christophe. Not even Dru. She's battled killer zombies, jealous djamphirs, and bloodthirsty suckers straight out of her worst nightmares. But now that Dru has bloomed into a full-fledged svetocha - rare, beautiful, and toxic to all vampires - the worst is yet to come.
Because getting out alive is going to cost more than she's ever imagined. And in the end, is survival really worth the sacrifice?
My Thoughts:
I just don't like it when a series I love ends, not at all. And although I'm not ecstatic about the way this series ended, I get it. And it will not detract any stars from my rating. I do wish, however, that there were more books in the series to delve into this new element in the story.
It was mentioned in the other books but really became a part of the story in this last book. Also, this new revelation about Dru's heritage needs to be explored further. AND, of course, I NEED to find out what happens with Dru & Graves!
That's why I think there will be a new series, not exactly a spinoff, but something else with these characters. Maybe a continuation from Graves' perspective?? Do I sound desperately hopeful?? I am :)
Anyway, loved the book and really sad it's the end of the series.
Format: Paperback
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