Review: Sanctum
Posted by Monika on 01 August 2013. Filed under: Afterlife, Demons, Depression, Fantasy, Female Protagonist, Fiction, Ghosts, Heaven, Hell, Kindle, Paranormal, Reading, Romance, Series, Substance Abuse, Suicide, Supernatural, YA
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Sanctum by Sarah Fine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A week ago,
seventeen-year-old Lela Santos’s best friend, Nadia, killed herself.
Today, thanks to a farewell ritual gone awry, Lela is standing in
paradise, looking upon a vast gated city in the distance—hell. No one
willingly walks through the Suicide Gates, into a place smothered in
darkness and infested with depraved creatures. But Lela isn’t just
anyone—she’s determined to save her best friend’s soul, even if it means
sacrificing her eternal afterlife. As Lela struggles to find
Nadia, she’s captured by the Guards, enormous, not-quite-human creatures
that patrol the dark city’s endless streets. Their all-too-human
leader, Malachi, is unlike them in every way except one:...